Transform Homelessness
Elizabeth Ann Seton Residence
The goal of the Elizabeth Ann Seton Residence (EASR) is to move homeless individuals and families from crisis situations to stability. Since 1983, Elizabeth Ann Seton Residence has been offering emergency shelter to families, pregnant women, the disabled and the elderly who are homeless. Most families are referred to the Shelter by other agencies. A number of referrals come from area churches. We operate at capacity (44 individuals at a time) with little recruitment, since homelessness continues to be a serious problem in Los Angeles County, with over 82,000 homeless persons each night. The Shelter offers private rooms, nutritious meals and snacks, washer and dryer facilities, transportation, clothing, baby food and baby items, personal hygiene items and addresses other immediate needs. Clients work with the case manager to design a plan to achieve self-sufficiency and housing. A Family Life Skills Coordinator teaches parenting, life skills, communication skills, financial literacy and job preparation. Family activities are held on-site or with field trips. Through collaboration with the Long Beach Multi-Service Center for the homeless and through on-site services at Century Villages at Cabrillo, child care, health care, job opportunities, school placement for children, legal services, and applications for government benefits are available.
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Los Angeles, CA 90015
(213) 251-3400 | info@CatholicCharitiesLA.org
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Catholic Charities of Los Angeles, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, public benefit corporation accredited by the Council on Accreditation.