Assist Immigrants & Refugees
Temporary Skilled Worker Center
Located at The Home Depot store in Burbank, Catholic Charities operates a Temporary Skilled Workers Center that benefits the community by reducing loitering, protecting workers and assisting employers. The center offers a shaded sitting area, restrooms and water to laborers looking for employment. Program managers act as mediators between employers and workers to confirm that employers are hiring properly qualified laborers and ensure that workers are paid fairly. The program also monitors the number of hours worked and addresses any injuries incurred on the job, to safeguard humane working conditions.
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1531 James M. Wood Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90015
(213) 251-3400 | info@CatholicCharitiesLA.org
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Catholic Charities of Los Angeles, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, public benefit corporation accredited by the Council on Accreditation.