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(Photos: Tom Wilmshurst)
Guests at the Centennial Celebration included left to right around table: Chris Irwin, Paul Robich, Gary Darnell, Katie Darnell, Paul Tosetti, President of Catholic Charities’ Board of Trustees, Cathy Tosetti, Archbishop José Gomez, Chairman of the Board of Catholic Charities, Joe Sanders and Ann Sanders.
Veronica Falzone’s table included, left to right around table: Connie Ocampo, Phillip Bailey, Linda MacKenzie, Celeste Anlauft, Mary Healy-Hambric, Sr. Edna Creegan, D.M.J., Veronica, Julie Shipley and David Yun.
Albert Bahhuth’s table included, left to right around table: Doug Farruggia, Robin Farrugia, Randy Steiner, Eileen Steiner, Msgr. Bahhuth, Paul Escala, Noel Escala, Cindy Galindo, Oscar Galindo and Marge Graf.
The Catholic Community Foundation of Los Angeles’ table included, left to right around table: Howard Anderson, Fr. John O’Brien, Mary Pat Cooper, Linda Beaven, Ellen Holton, Elena Murdock, Lara Duncan, Dana Valenzuela and Kathy Anderson.
Msgr. Greg Cox’s table included, standing left to right: Christine Vinluan, Ted Barry, Msgr. Cox, Msgr. Terry Fleming, Msgr. Paul Montoya, and Msgr. Jim Gehl; seated, from left to right, are: Mary Romero, Alexandria (Sandi) Arnold and Julia Scalise.
The table of Lovers of the Holy Cross Sisters included, standing, left to right: Sr. Mary Pham, Sr. Anne Tran, Sr. Mai Tran, Sr. Lan Ngo, Sr. Rosaline Vu and Sr. Miriam Vu; seated, from left to right, are: Sr. Ann Mai Phan, Sr. Grace Duc Le and Sr. ToNga Nguyen.
1531 James M. Wood Blvd.
P.O. Box 15095, Los Angeles, CA 90015
(213) 251-3400 | info@CatholicCharitiesLA.org
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Catholic Charities of Los Angeles, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, public benefit corporation accredited by the Council on Accreditation.