What We Do
Employment Support Partnership (ESP) is committed to providing stability, hope, and dignity to vulnerable populations within our community. With God’s grace, Employment Support Partnership pledges to provide the vulnerable a pathway to a better life.

Services to Victims of Human Trafficking
Under contract with United States Committee for Refugees and Immigrants (USCRI) and the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), ESP provides comprehensive case management, financial assistance, service referral, employment support and placement, vocational assessment and other support services to victims of human trafficking. Many clients are teens or young adults and in great need of support and guidance.

Support Services to Immigrants Released from Detention
Under contract with USCCB, ESP provides assessment, counselling and a series of life skills workshops to immigrants recently released from detention.

Enhance Services for Asylees and Vulnerable Noncitizens
Under contract with California Department of Social Services, ESP provides case management to newly granted asylees and vulnerable noncitizens for up to 90 days. During the program they provided resource navigation, benefits application assistance, employment support, English language development, and more.

Subsidized Employment for CalWORKs Recipients
Under contract with South Bay Workforce Investment Board (SBWIB), ESP provides placement of CalWORKs participants into 10 months of subsidized employment followed by placement in unsubsidized employment.

Employment Services for Low-Income Glendale/Burbank Residents
Under contract with Los Angeles County, ESP provides employment readiness support and job placement services to low income residents in the First District, Second District and Fifth District.

Other Services Available
- Job coaching
- Job Readiness/Job Placement assistance
- Resume and cover letter preparation
- Access to computer, printer and internet for job search
- Service referral
- Interpretation/translation
- Assistance completing forms
- Employment Services Workshops
Most ESP staff have immigrated to the U.S. and understand the unique needs of individuals new to our country. Services currently available in the following languages: English, Farsi, Spanish, Arabic, Russian and Armenian.
Employment Support Partnership is located at the Catholic Charities Glendale Community Center:
Catholic Charities of Los Angeles
4322 San Fernando Road.
Glendale, CA 91204
Covid-19 Updates: Currently all services are by appointment only and many services are offered virtually. Please call the number below to schedule an appointment.
For further information on ESP Services
Please contact James DeRose at (213) 318-5723 or jderose@ccharities.org.

Volunteer/Intern Opportunities
For volunteer or internship opportunities, please contact James DeRose at (213) 318-5723 or jderose@ccharities.org.
Current Opportunities
- Language Helpers/Translators
- Job Mentors/Coaches
- Fundraising/Grant Writing Assistance
- Pro-bono LCSW Services
- Pro-bono Tax Accountant Services
Our Partners
Employment Support Partnership — Please call (213) 318-5723 or email us for more information.
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1531 James M. Wood Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90015
(213) 251-3400 | info@CatholicCharitiesLA.org
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Catholic Charities of Los Angeles, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, public benefit corporation accredited by the Council on Accreditation.