Our focus is on mothers with young children who are ready to commit to our comprehensive program.

Please call (323) 737-6111 or email us for more information. Visit us on Facebook and Instagram.

What We Do


Our focus is on mothers with young children who are ready to commit to our comprehensive program designed to promote healing, independence and a pathway to the fulfillment of their dreams.

Our services comprise our one-year program. Each part helps make our families whole.

Transitional Housing / Resident Apartments

Each family at the Good Shepherd Shelter resides in one of our 14 individual apartment units. All units are fully furnished and families have the option of residing there for one year.

Case Management

Case managers work with the mothers to create an action plan for their shelter stay. They provide linkages and referrals to outside social, legal, medical and financial services.

Mom’s Learning Center

Mothers attend classes in family health and nutrition, parenting, first aid, self-defense, yoga and stress management. We also provide money management, computer training and job acquisition skills.  Some mothers receive tutoring to meet a special need or goal, such as obtaining a GED. With the support of our staff, the mothers can establish their own goals for their families and create an atmosphere of security and growth.

Elementary School

The Good Shepherd Elementary School is an on-site school that offers common-core curriculum.  Teachers are able to meet the special needs of each child, while providing transferable credits for K-5 enrichment growth. The children are able to learn in smaller groups and at their own pace. Because of the trauma most of the children have experienced, many are below grade level and often have emotional, behavioral and learning difficulties. Through individualized attention and trauma-informed activities that address their needs, the children can rebuild their self-esteem and have a positive school experience.


Our therapeutic program for families includes individual and group therapy that seeks to repair the emotional and psychological damage caused by domestic violence.  A safe environment is created in which each child and mother is able to freely express his or her feelings, learn healthy coping skills and develop communication strategies to process and rebuild new lives free from violence.

Legal Assistance

Through the generosity of individual attorneys and firms, pro bono legal assistance is provided on-site to ensure the safety and legal rights of the mothers and children.  If necessary, staff will assist and accompany the mothers to court.

Aftercare Program – Good Shepherd Shelter and Beyond

When families are ready to relocate to the larger community, they are encouraged to establish a support system in their new location.  No matter where a Good Shepherd Shelter family may live, the staff are always ready to offer assistance in any way possible to help families make a successful transition. We provide community-building events at the shelter for current and former clients that offer In-Kind donations to continue to support the families.

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1531 James M. Wood Blvd.
P.O. Box 15095, Los Angeles, CA 90015
(213) 251-3400 info@CatholicCharitiesLA.org

©2018 All Rights Reserved. Catholic Charities of Los Angeles, Inc.
Catholic Charities of Los Angeles, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, public benefit corporation accredited by the Council on Accreditation.

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